Long Weekends
I haven't really posted a good blog here lately. It seems my work as a Pedia PGI has caught up with me. Not that I am toxic. My benign streak is still unbeatable with a record zero admission. It's just that being in nursery gives me limited movement during the day. Most of my day is spent inside the big "baby day care" center where the sight is nothing but bundles of joy with sucking mouths to feed q hourly (every hour). At around 10 a.m., the drapes are raised for moms and dads to view their products of affection, and then you get to know how a goldfish feels like. Later in the day, you wait for some G2P1 woman in labor for her own child to come out. So, across the delivery room you stand, all gloved and capped and so on, waiting beside a female stranger, with legs spread and mounted, then the scissors start to sound as the obstetrician begins doing her episiotomy. A few minutes later, that familiar cry of a totally dazed neonate wakes you up from La-la land. Umbill...