In BOLMSH, I officially belong to an unofficial elite circle of interns who share the same 24-hour duty schedules. We call ourselves the magic four for lack of anything to call ourselves. At present, the magic four are: me, gesper, ken and marc. Who are these people? No, they are not superheroes although they do possess some extraordinary skills. Neither are they dieties for they bleed like any human being does. Gesper is a certified pharmacist and graduated from the University of San Agustin. Gesper took his medicine proper in the College of Medicine USLS and along with Marc and me, graduated as one of the pioneers of the said college. Currently, Gesp is still single and this is not by choice. He has a bipolar personality and actually a very complicated person. But life is never that simple for anyone, isn't it? A very talented artist, he can draw, dance, web design and most of all sing. There was one time when we tried to push him to audtion for Pinoy Dream Academy but being the ...