The Day Of The Unborn
March 25, 2012 is World Day of the Unborn. It is easy to disregard the unborn because most of us understand them as nothing but a "ball of cells". With current issues such as "women's rights" and "Feminism" and "Pro-Choice" and "Pro-Life", it is very important to understand and realize the answer to the question, "When Does Human life Really Begin?" Many groups would attempt to answer it in a theological perspective. And then atheist groups would contest that it is never a question about "religion" or "morality". What does science tell us about the beginning of Human life? Is there really a scientific neutral answer to this question? In search for the answer, I came across a scientific paper entitled, "When Does Human Life Begin? A Scientific Perspective". It was written by Dr. Maureen Condic, an Associate Professor of Neurobiology and Anatomy at the University of Utah School of Medicine, w...