Day of Deceit: "Be Gentle as Doves, But Be Prudent As Serpents"
Why do I commemorate a Day of Deceit? This is to remind me of the limitations and weaknesses of Man. This is to remind me that while I must continue to trust people, I must be ready to take the consequences of the betrayal of my trust. One cannot trust if he is not ready to face the reverberations of betrayal. The origins of my Day of Deceit started in November 3, 2009, when I wrote what happened that early morning of that fateful day. The following post were originally taken from my private facebook account" "This morning, I decided to stay in Bacolod in order to process my supposed appointment papers as Municipal Health Officer. The municipal mayor is currently in Bacolod undergoing physiotherapy after recuperating from a stroke. I was planning to take a leave and to go to the Mayor's house to have him sign my papers. So I called up the Main Health Center (after sending text messages to my nurse-II) to tell them that I will be taking the first trip tomorrow (4 a.m.)...