Roatan, Honduras

I was lucky enough to visit Honduras while I was cruising around the Caribbean a few years back. Our cruise ship would dock in the town of Roatan. I would know if we were already docked in Honduras because I would hear chants and drums beating from the port. There was a time that I decided to just roam around the town of Roatan. So I walked from the port and to where I was told I could buy cheap souvenirs.

Locals ready to greet tourists with song and dance

getting off the port of Roatan

Local colors and souvenirs greet tourists

Street vendors hawking their native delicacies for the more courageous tourists

A school in Roatan

Familiar fruits being sold in a streetside market

This store sells cheap new and second-hand shoes

A nearby hospital along the streets of Roatan

This reminds me really more of home

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