My Son The Graduate

He has hurdled his pre-school and now he is ready to step into the world of formal schooling and start his elementary years. My son just had their "moving up" ceremonies at the Sisters of the Rural Mission Kindergarten School this afternoon. Actually we just arrived from the ceremonies. Which means, I actually skipped the first day of the Third Module of the Rationalization Plan of the Province of Negros Occidental at Mambukal. I sent word that I could not attend the first day of the planning because I had to help at home prepare for the afternoon ceremonies.
My son graduated at the top of his class. He is the Prep's First Honor student and was also able to garner other special citations such as Loyalty Award, Best in English, Best in Reading, Best in Spelling and Best in Math. He also received other non-academic awards such as Most Diligent, Most Cooperative and Most Polite. My wife and I were there to hand him his medals and certificates. We are so proud of our son. He also gave the Valedictory Message at the end of the ceremonies.
My son will be entering Grade 1 this June at USLS-IS. We have already made arrangements and will be enrolling him already this coming April. Which means, todo kayod na naman kita, in order for us to maintain his studies in La Salle. Quality education nowadays are no longer cheap and I don't mind paying for an expensive education just as long as my children will get to develop themselves, and become the most holistic person they can ever become.
In a few minutes, we will be leaving the house for our traditional family dinner. This is one occasion we always celebrate. I am proud of you, son. Way to go!

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