Teaching How To Save Lives
The Area Meet will be next week and about 5 municipalities and cities will converge in our little town of Candoni, nestled in Tabla Valley, to compete in various sports events: basketball, softball, athletics, volleyball, boxing, table tennis, etc. Candoni will be hosting the Area Meet for the very first time and the rural health unit will be leading the First Aid Team. A few days ago, the municipal health office conducted its pre-event planning in case of a possible disaster. Unfortunately, the Department of Education was not coordinating with us even during the pre-event planning. One of the gaps identified is the small human resources that would serve as first aiders and medics. It was proposed that the students and teachers will be asked to volunteer as medics. Through the Community health Allies and Reform Team (CHART) assembly we were able to invite the teachers and students to attend our crash course on First Aiding, at the same time our final pre-event planning and finalization of catchment areas. Yesterday afternoon, more than 50 students and teachers went to the Rural health Center to attend our First Aid class.
We taught them the ABC's of First Aiding, on how to do basic CPR and what to do in case of possible neck and spinal injuries. During the lectures, the students and teachers were made to demonstrate the manuevers. They were later given out hand outs for them to read. I personally told the teachers to post some of these hand outs in their classrooms. It always pays to be prepared and to be safe. And in case of unwanted circumstances, students and teachers must be ready on what to do.