The Long and Short Of It
It has been a long weekend, perhaps the most toxic weekend we ever had at OB-GNE Department. Three double table events, plus a truck-load of C-sections, most of which are stat ORs. Need I mention the ample DDRs we had? (Direct to Delivery Room)My Tuesday duty was really the worse. I was up all 24 hours without sleep. During that day I had to deliver at least 20 cases, mixed types: from NSDs (Normal Spontaneous Deliveries) to C-Sections. Other than the usual deliveries, we were also mobbed by vaginal bleedings due to incomplete abortions and the like. So, I also had to go assist on our D&Cs (Dilatation and curettage). It started with Melvin's Monday duty, when all Labor Room Beds were occupied by laboring pregnant women. Other than those in waiting, a rush of direct-to-DR patients was brought to the DR. What made it so exciting was the Nursery is undergoing some needed renovations all babies were placed in DR2, which means, only one Delivery Room is functioning as of the moment....