Sex Scandals

There is that palpable tension between the two sexes, male and female. Somehow, this tension has been brought about by the increasing awareness and advocacy for gender equality between the two sexes. The women claims they can do anything that men can do and that there are somethings which women can do that men can't. The battle for gender supremacy is on. You tally the score.

What women can do but men can't.
1. Get pregnant
2. Bleed every month and still live to tell about it
3. Kiss fellow women on the lips without malice
4. Augment their breasts
5. Ask directions when lost. (admit it, guys. We can't seem to find ourselves asking for directions when lost)
6. Talk for hours without stopping
7. Wear thongs (although this can be contended by other "men")
8. Lactate

(do you know of other things women can do but men can't? Add them up)

What men can do but women can't
1. urinate together in one urinal
2. get a hard-on

(hmmmm....looks like the men are falling behind. Know of other things?)

But there are somethings both men and women are capable of doing.
1. Wear make-up (some men can be vain enough)
2. Grow moustache (some women can be weird)
3. lift weights
4. snore
5. wear skirts

(there must be some common ground, right? What else do you know?)


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