I Believe In Signs
I believe that God answers prayers through signs. In the Scriptures, especially in the Old testament, God manifested himself through signs. He appeared before Moses as the burning bush. God appeared as the pillar of fire. God appeared as a cloud. In the New testament, God took the form of man and became Man-God himself in Jesus Christ. And Jesus worked through signs too! He made wine from water. He cured the blind man by rubbing clay on his eyes. God the Holy Spirit appeared as fire in the form of tongues or as a dove. I believe God even now communicates through signs. Perhaps, it His most visible way of saying to us, "I love you". I am a believer in signs and during the time I took my medical board exams there have been many signs that somehow showed me that God was every step of the way. In fact, before I took the exams, I asked God for a sign, a sign that would tell me whether I would make it through or not. I did not specifically ask for any sign because I didn't know...