35 Years of Friendship: Visiting the ASEAN Secretariat

One highlight of my visit in Jakarta during the US-ASEAN Young Leaders Summit was a short stop at the ASEAN Headquarters. This historic place has been the seat of diplomacy and friendship among the Southeast Asian Countries. The building has also hosted many political world leaders. It is in the ASEAN hall where many discussions were made, dialogues were conducted and political statements expressed.

All 130 participants of the US-ASEAN Young Leaders Summit visited the ASEAN Secretariat. The U.S. Mission to ASEAN hosted the participants and even conducted a small workshop where participants discussed which of the three "ASEAN pillars" should the association invest resources on in the next 3 years.

Borj Coscolluela, Philippines, sharing his thoughts

Philippine Delegation 
Preparing for the Discussion inside the ASEAN Hall
Discussing with one of the diplomats in ASEAN

The visit ended with a group picture outside the building with the participants doing the traditional ASEAN Ministers' handshake.

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