If We Can Change The World One Person At A Time

Changing the world, all 8 billion people, is an impossible feat. The 90 million Filipino people alone are already very hard to manage. So many have tried and yet the world seems to be the same. Many have given up after trying having realized that to change that which is beyond their reach is virtually impossible. Many have tried dying. Others have survived but with the scars of their experiences. So, we still complain that the world is unsafe, is not peaceful, still riddled with hate and destruction and negligence. And then we stopped trying to change the world because apparently, the world cannot be changed.

But maybe we are setting our sight for something far from which our eyes can see. Maybe, it is time to set our eyes on that which is closer to us: our families, our neighbors, our friends. Maybe by affecting the lives of others that surround us, especially those that are dear to us but most especially those we don't know at all, we can ignite the spark that shall spread like wildfire and engulf the world.

To change the world one person at a time begins with the changing of one's self. Let this be our Christmas prayer.

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Jong and Noks said…
I love the video. helping each one will make our world a better place. especially on what is happening in CDO, we need to help our brothers and sisters for easy recovery. Here are some ways to help them HELP CDO!
Brambleberry said…
If people would learn the secret of equanimity then the universe for that person will definitely shift to a shift of harmony and peace.
Angela Ricardo said…
If people would pray and reach out the message will be heard. I'll praying for the victims as well.
Anonymous said…
This video is trending on Facebook! If people could just realize what's happening in our world, that time they might have start changing.
maiylah said…
yup, we should start with ourselves first...and don't get upset if others don't reciprocate immediately. change can be difficult for some, while easy for others. persistence plays a part, too. :)
If we could only change the world one person at a time has been my wish as well. And I agree that change should start within ourselves...change for the better. Thanks for sharing. :)
- sionee
Julie. -- said…
I think we should start rebuilding ourselves. Somehow we were scarred by adversities and challenges but there's always a room for healing and rebuilding. Then we could be an inspiration to others, changing lives and giving hopes.. one step/one person/one day at a time.
moonstar said…
if people will learn then everything would be great but i guess that's so far from reality. thanks for sharing
Unknown said…
I remember the movie seems similar with this, "Pay it forward" where a project of a grade pupils have change some parts of the worlds and keep on spreading without his knowledge, you should watch it too, I cry with that movie
Sarj said…
if we could change one person at a time, I would say the change should begin in us.:)
michymichymoo said…
Imagine each person doing a good deed for each day, the world would be a better place. :)
simply pochi said…
change must be from one's inner self first. regarding the video, this only tells that KINDNESS keeps the world afloat :)
Jackie said…
if only we can start the change in our own selves. Maybe we can change the world One person at a time.
This is what I have been preaching in my blog. It's important to be selfless and help others. It makes you a better person.

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