Palawan's Underground River: Seven Wonders of the World Finalist

Currently there are 28 finalists vying to be included in the new seven wonders of the world. One of the 28 is the Philippines' underground river in Palawan. I was lucky to be there 2 years ago when I attended the AMHOP Convention in Puerto Princesa. It was indeed a breathtaking sight. Reputed to be the world's longest Underground River, The Palawan Underground River is a strong contender to be included in the new list of 7 wonders of the world. As of today, there are only 68 days left before they will announce the winners. Your vote can help push for Palawan's underground river's inclusion in the list. It takes only a valid email address and less than 60 seconds to vote. The list of 28 finalists are provided in the official website (Link here).

To vote, click on this link --> here and follow the easy steps. Do not forget to click on Palawan's underground River (Listed as PP Underground River - Philippines). The picture in this blog is the same picture they are displaying in the website. Make sure to type in your email address properly and correctly.

And the most important part. Check your email address immediately. An email will be sent to you and you must click on the link provided in the email to confirm your vote. Your vote will not be counted if you do not click on the link that will be sent to your email. Then tell your friends about it. Share it on Facebook and encourage others to vote for the Philippines Vote now for Palawan's Underground River. Vote now for the Philippines.

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