Celebrating Christmas

December 25 was celebrated with family, just like any typical Filipino anywhere around the world. Christmas is another reason for Filipino families to gather around food, fireworks and gifts and ours was no exception. So, at exactly Dec 25 12:00 midnight, after attending the Christmas Eve mass in our parish, we all gathered around our table and had our Christmas Dinner. The Church was filled with people and was actually spilling over the frontyard of the Church. My son was tasked to bring one of the offerings to the altar.

Our Christmas dinner was the traditional spaghetti, fruit salad, ham, red wine, and lots and lots of sweets. We then opened our gifts after dinner. During Christmas day, the family went to the mall to had our lunch. After lunch, we brought the kids to another mall where they could play in their fun park. We then went back to the first mall, had dinner at Mang Inasal with my wife's family and watched the Christmas Fireworks.

The day after Christmas, we also went to a much nearer Mini-mall and watched their own fireworks display. For the past two years, it has become a family tradition to watch fireworks in the malls, whether they would be an exhibition only or a competition like last year. We then bought our own set of fireworks which we are planning to light during the New Year's Eve celebrations.

Once again, Merry Christmas to every one!


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