My Pledge For 2010

Like everyone else, I too have my own resolutions for 2010: 1. I resolve to watch over my diet. I have not been giving some attention to my body especially on what I am eating and this can be dangerous, health-wise. So I need to practice what I preach when it comes to Healthy Lifestyle. I resolve to eat more nutritious food, less of those cholesterol-containing delicious stuff and give more time to jogging, brisk-walking, even maybe going to the gym. 2. I resolve to be more thrifty and to really plan things ahead, especially financially-wise. I must divest myself of my impulsiveness and must bear some sense of self-control. 3. I resolve to give more time to reading. I have not really spent time reading, even the non-technical materials. Perhaps the only book that I have really read for 2009 is Og Mandino's The Twelfth Angel. I mus resume to reading, especially my textbooks. I have them close to my bed every time I sleep but I usually cannot read them for reasons I do not know. Mayb...