Heading For Clark

The "first day of the last days" begins tomorrow. I will be traveling to Clark, Pampanga and will be attending what will be my official last CME as a Doctor to the Barrios. Batch 23 will be graduating this month. How fast time flies indeed. I remember how we started almost two years ago, November 5, 2007. Now, my batch will be graduating this month. I am not sure about the plans of my fellow DTTBs. Some will be going into residency. A few will be staying as the Municipal health officer of their LGUs. As for me, I have recently agreed to staying in my area indefinitely, to continue serving them until they can stand on their own two feet. I have decided to follow the path of public health and I will be continuing my Masters in Public Health. The ultimate goal is to really be involved in policy-making, influencing other people who make the decisions that will affect the lives and health of many people. I think I will stay true to myself if I follow this path. I am not sure if this is really God's plan for me and I do not want to pretend to know God's plan, but I feel that this is the right road for me for the time being.

But before I could leave for Clark, I even had to go back to Candoni yesterday just to meet with one Village Chief (barangay captain) and a notorious TBA. If there is one thing that makes me mad, it is any violation of the policies I have set for my office. I am a rabid promoter of Facility-based delivery and so far, because of this aggressive monitoring and implementation, Candoni has been spared from maternal deaths for the past 2 years already. I was furious during the meeting. I gave that TBA my very last warning before I could penalize him under the existing laws of our municipality and the barangay. The Village chief himself promised to ensure that this particular TBA will no longer conduct home deliveries. We will see, once I get back.

So, I will be traveling the final DTTB days with my Batchmates: Celna, Stephen, Prince, Lyndon, Shobe, Cathy, Merly, Mitch, Trish, Lani, Mike, Nathan, Gary and Pong. I have enjoyed every CME I was with these guys. Batch 23, also known as ABYAN KA, is also popularly known among DTTB circles as the Dancing Doctors to the Barrios. Perhaps, we are the only batch of DTTBs who "danced" in every CME that we attended. Wherever our roads will lead us, I pray that my batchmates will also find their own respective happiness.

I am thankful that my family, especially my wife, has continued to be supportive of me. Most of the time, I am away from my wife and kids, and every moment spent with them is always a treasured gem. While we are not a perfect family, we still manage to find quality time for each other.

So, I am looking forward to yet another adventure. Life after DTTB will never be the same again.


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