Up! (One Big Adventure)

The long weekend has given me an opportunity to spend it with the family. So we decided to watch a movie. Thank God the animated film Up of Disney (Pixar) was still on screen so I was able to bring the family to watch this movie. It has been a while since I watched a Disney film on screen. And it was truly a big adventure. I loved the movie. It is a movie fit not only for kids but even for adults, especially the child-like adults. It was really a movie for the entire family. Up is a fast-paced adventure film which fascinates the imagination of both young and old. Imagine a geriatric protagonist flying on a house being kept afloat by thousands of helium-filled balloons. His sidekick, a wanna-be boy scout (Wildlife Explorer) who only wanted to help the elderly to get promoted to Senior Explorer. And there is this talking dog which managed to fill the generation gap.
The story is about one man's dream to go in an adventure in Paradise Falls, "a place lost in time" or more specifically somewhere in South America. Fueled by this childhood fantasy, he met a young girl, a fellow "adventurer" and was very certain that both were soul mates. They got married and lived together but never forgot their common dream to go on an adventure. But reality managed to thwart their big plans and eventually, his wife died and the young dreamer became older, and perhaps cynical about life.
They eventually meet villains and friends, fight off a lot of talking dogs and eventually befriended them, and even save an endangered weird flightless bird. Talk about adventure.
The movie teaches us that LIFE is one big adventure and sometimes, all we need to do is help "an old man cross the street" in order to fulfill great things in life. It reminded me that life can be a big adventure, if we allow the child within to take control, the child that is unadulterated, pure, sincere and authentic. The child who is unafraid to face new things, to explore new environment, and to face life's challenges with courage and awe and a little bit of fun as well.
This movie is definitely going to be another Disney classic. Funny...revealing...and very inspiring.