The Curious Case of Jacque Bermejo

The web is buzzing with the latest controversy regarding an alleged tactless comment made by a Filipina allegedly named Jacque Bermejo. The inappropriate comment was posted allegedly in her own facebook account. The comment was in Filipino. The comment was allegedly accusing the Filipino people as sinners thus the penalty earned from the onslaught of Typhoon Ketsana (locally named Ondoy). More than 200 Filipinos have died. 80% of Metro Manila was underwater. More than 400,000 people are homeless. Millions and millions of pesos worth of properties destroyed. According to this Jacque Bermejo (based on the middle east), the Filipinos deserved such as punishment for being "sinners". There are now two sides to the story. There is the side of the "believers", who are convinced that it was Jacque Bermejo herself who made those comments and reactions in her facebook account. Then there is the side of the "unconvinced", who thinks that Jacque Bermejo was just a vic...