Dancing Doctors to the Barrios: Batch 23

It has been a batch tradition to present a dance number every CME of the Doctors to the Barrios. It started during our pre-deployment when a young batch (batch 23) who called their group ABYAN KA (Alay sa Bayan, Yaman ng Kalusugan) presented a dance number infront of the HHRDB people. Unfortunately, none was able to record the dance in full. Luckily, I was able to have a snipet of that moment.

(Pre-deployment Dance Video)

During our first CME as batch, we experience our first "initiation" to the DTTB family when we presented a dance number during the recognition rites of the 32nd CME.

(Robbinsdale Dance Video)

It was yet another repeat performance when the batch also presented a dance number during the 33rd CME at Palo, Leyte.

(Leyte Dance Video)

Of course, during the latest CME (34th CME), Batch 23 yet again presented another dance number, perhaps our last as Doctors to the barrios.

(Tagaytay Dance Video)

...or so we thought. During our final CME, the Dancing Doctors did it again, this time dancing to Black Eyed Peas' summer hit: I got a feeling.

(Clark Gallery Presentation Dance Video: added on October 2009)

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