Saving Iggy

The letter which I will be posting here is no bogus letter. Iggy Villanueva is a real person, a fellow lasallian and an alumnus of the University of Saint La Salle Integrated School. Iggy was diagnosed with Acute Myelogeneous Leukemia (AML). I first heard of this sad story from a former teacher when she informed me that Iggy was needing blood. I then received a letter in my facebook Inbox, apparently written by Iggy's mom addressed to everyone who might be interested to help.

I then sent an SMS message to Iggy's mom, asking her permission if I can repost her letter in my blog here, hoping that anyone who can read my blog might be interested to help.


I am so embarrassed to do this yet, I am humbling myself to ask…please read on…

January 6, 2009 was the worst day of my family’s life…our eldest son, IAN GABRIEL PICART VILLANUEVA, was initially diagnosed to have ACUTE MYELOGENEOUS LEUKEMIA. It is already the 20th of January, and after a 2nd and even a 3rd opinion from different doctors, the diagnosis, sadly is still the same: ACUTE MYELOGENEOUS LEUKEMIA. To aggravate things even, he even has pneumonia. Thus, chemotherapy cannot start just yet. Untreated, he just has 4 months to live…

Treatment plan for Iggy includes at least 3 rounds of chemotherapy and bone marrow transplant! To date, we have already moved from 3 hospitals. Currently we are at National Kidney & Transplant Institute to save on cost.

Though we may belong to a middle income family, the medical expenses that have and are to be incurred is so staggering! The amount needed is about 5 Million …thinking of how many zeroes the figure has makes me want to give up...But I know I wont and I cant! I will do anything or everything to save my son to the best that I could. Sad but true, I have nothing…Whatever is left of our meager savings has all been used up. Time is essential. The bone marrow transplant will be performed 2-3 weeks from now, and I need funds to deposit before any treatment can be done.

I am literally alone…It’s just Iggy & myself in the hospital. Friends & relatives come to visit but I cannot compel them to do more. I am a one woman army. Thank God that I have the laptop and my mind as a weapon…

Iggy, is a well rounded individual who I can say is an achiever. From grade school to college he is very athletic: red belter in taekwondo, track & field and basketball. An honor student from pre-school to college, a leader in his own ways.

As a mother, it breaks my heart that such potential should go into waste…He is so young…IT IS MY MOST FERVENT PRAYER THAT YOU BECOME PART OF THE CYCLE OF HEALING…IN ANY WAY POSSIBLE. I HOPE I AM NOT ASKING TOO MUCH. HUMBLY I AM ASKING ANY HELP THAT YOU CAN EXTEND MY FAMILY. WHATEVER MEANS WOULD BE MOST WELCOME. I may not be able to repay your kindness and generosity in this lifetime…but I am confident that God knows…

I am realistic enough to understand how difficult life is today. I am not asking for total dole-out. If at all, any of you are willing to loan me…I would forever be grateful. I promise to pay, although little by little, with interest even. Please…This is already a desperate cry for help… I just cant imagine what is to be…


Thank you very much for taking time out to read this letter. I know in my heart that you will be able to help me and my family one way or the other. May the Good Lord always bless you and your loved ones.




Our prayers are with the family of Iggy. Let us remember them in our prayers.


AngelMD-No-More said…
i read this letter too bien...i may not know iggy personally, but as a la sallian, i too prays for him.btw, gave you an award...check it out na lng in my site.
Anonymous said…
i read this letter while i were listening to ms. villanueva with korina sanchez. my prayer is for iggy and for his mom, though i may not know him personally.

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