The Star of Bethlehem

I was lying in bed last night suffering from tension headaches and I was watching this presentation in EWTN. It was about a scientifica analysis of the Star of Bethlehem. Of course, as read in Scriptures, wise men or magi went to Judea, following this Star which was to be the sign of the birth of Israel's king. "We saw his star in the east and we have come to worship him," (Matthew 2:2) said the magi to King Herod. While I was listening to the explanations and the simulations of the star patterns over the night sky of Judea, I was just blown away.

Quoting scriptures and laying them side by side with Scientific facts and Historical accounts, it was very clear that indeed there was a star over Bethlehem during that Christmas Day. It wasn't a meteor or comet. In fact, according to the explanations, it was a conjunction between the planets Jupiter and Venus, the King Planet and Mother Planet. The conjunction happened within the constellation Leo, the Lion, which in the ancient world would represent Judea. Behind Leo the Lion was the constellation Virgo, the Virgin and beneath the stars of Virgo was the crescent moon, the New Moon of the Jewish New Year. (It then reminds us of the accounts in Revelation, "I saw a sign, a woman clothed in the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of 12 stars on top of her head")

I was having goosebumps, especially when the presentor was trying to identify the year of Christ's birth based on historical accounts and the patterns of the skies. All the more when he started explaining the date of Christ's crucifixion and what was happening in the skies. According to his presentation, based on research and validation from historical accounts and biblical accounts, the day of Christ's crucifixion was April 3, 33 A.D. (Friday). It was during this day when a lunar eclipse was visible over Judea. And what was curious was the hour when planet earth started to obscure the moon from the sun was around 3 p.m. local Judean time.

It was really a fascinating presentation and one cannot help but be awed by all of it. I immediately went to search for the website of this presentation. The Star of Bethlehem website is complete with movie trailers, downloads and references, explanations, texts and resources.

It is really something to study and consider, especially this Christmas season.


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