Looking Forward to 2009

I am excited about the coming 2009. I feel 2009 will be the year. 2008 was a year of mixed blessings. Yes, they were all blessings, despite the stresses and obstacles. But I feel 2009 will be a better year. I think though that the final months of 2009 will be quite unstable and ambigious as of the moment. I will be coming upon another crossroads in my life come October of 2009. Nevertheless, a lot of things are going to come my way this 2009 and although I don't want to pre-empt them, I believe that if one is very determined to have things for himself, he needs only a little bit of faith. 1. Palawan Trip - my wife's family is planning a reunion in Puerto Princesa come April. By some coincidence, the Association of Municipal Health Officers of the Philippines texted me a few weeks ago informing me in advance that the next AMHOP National Convention will be in Palawan on April 28 - May 1, 2009 at the Legend Hotel. It will be my first time to go to Palawan. 2. HLMP Training Module...