Take Me To This Place

Take me to this place
where every joy is unending
and the sun never sets,
even as the moon rises
and chases the winds that create

Take me to this place
where falling stars never harm,
they fly across the midnight sky
and with them memories every man
would want to forget.

Take me to this place,
a venue they call paradise,
yet none of the dead are present,
only the living, the hopeful,
those who wish their lives to be
just a little bit better.

Take me to this place
where time runs backwards
and chances are plenty to spare,
where identities are not important,
and actions weigh more than
any single opinion.

Take me to this place
high above the cliffs,
where clouds creep over my feet
and the morning dewdrops carpet
the everlasting green.

Take me to this place,
let me cling to your fiery wings,
I don't mind the burning flames
that will consume my soul,
for my soul is free
and it is indestructible,
like your offsprings that sprout
ever so often from the ashes
you leave in your nest.

Take me there as fast as Time
can catch up, quicker than
any sigh of frustration and despair,
and once I step on its threshold
I shall no longer weep tears.

Take me to this place,
a real place, not this dreamworld,
where I can watch myself grow,
stretch for the heavens,
and strike, even just
the faintest star hanging
on heaven's shelves.


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