Learning About Myself and Others

Second day here in Bohol and I am beginning to learn more about myself, and especially about others. I am learning my type of personality and how I can improve on my strengths and intervene in order to correct my flaws. This morning we have learned the 7 habits of effective people by Steve Covey. It was my first time to hear about these 7 habits and I found them to be very very effective. According to Steve Covey, there are three things which one should deal with life in order to be effectve: Private Victory, Public Victory and Renewal. He then divided the 7 habits according to their respective domains. The first three habits belong to the Private Victory. They are 1) Be Proactive 2) Begin with the end in mind and 3) First things first. The second three habits belong to the Public Victory. They are 4) Win/Win 5) Seek first to understand then to be understood and 6) synergize. The last habit is more of a renewal, 7) sharpening the saw. Somehow I am beginning to learn how to deal with myself, deal with other people and deal with life. According to the facilitator, there are three types of problems in this life: those which we have direct control, those which we have indirect control and those which we don't have control at all. The first one can be addressed by habits 1, 2 and 3. The second one can be addressed by habits 4, 5 and 6. The last one can be addressed by changing our attitude towards the problem.

This seminar has never been so timely in my life. I am at the point of my life when I need to rearrange things. Learn to adapt once again to changes that have come my way. The group dynamics that were given to us were very helpful and a lot of insights were given by the group. By the way, I am the youngest participant.

My favorite game was the "Sardines" game. It was fun. My group won though in the Lions and Crocodiles Activity. Tomorrow is another long day. I can't wait for Friday.


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