Botika ng Barangay

After having survived T.S. Frank, I am back in business in my area of assignment, Candoni. The first thing I did when I arrived was to attend to administrative concerns (e.g. payroll, papers, vouchers, etc). I then attended the Municipal Nutrition Council meeting which was also attended by all department heads and representatives from other lead agencies. The mayor of course, Mayor Cicero Borromeo, presided over the meeting. The agenda was largely about the upcoming Nutrition Month activities. The MHO will be spearheading the Well-Baby Contest. The winner of the contest will represent Candoni during the Interlocal Health Zone Well Baby competition. The following day, Representatives from the D.O.H. conducted the training workshop for Botika ng Barangay operators in Candoni. I have always wanted to establish BnB's in Candoni. When I met with the Barangay Captains earlier in January 2007, I was already pushing for them to put up their own BnB. As of this morning, all 9 barangays have already completed their paper works and have sent representatives for them to be trained as operators of the BnB.

I have always wanted to engage the community into the endeavors related to health. The objective is to empower the people and let them take control of their own destinies. If the people become empowered, the dole-out mentality can easily be erased. People should be responsible about their health and well-being. The doctor is not the guardian of health. He is only a health-care provider. The sole responsibiliy lies within the person himself. That is why I told them that the community should complement the services provided by the doctor and other health care workers. Putting up a botika ng barangay is just one way.

I am trying to upload the pictures of the training of the operators but it seems my network connection is not very friendly today. Like me, this pc of mine is probably getting pissed as well.

I am suffering from (once again) severe toothache. I visited a dentist who told me she could extract it but I had to wait because there was another patient scheduled ahead of me. I asked her if I would need to schedule my tooth extraction. I was told I could wait. And so I waited. After 2 hours, I still could hear the sound of tooth being drilled. So I told myself, that's it. I went out and went home with an aching wisdom tooth.

So, I plan to have this tooth extracted this weekend. I am taking into two capsules of Ibuprofen and a regimen of antibiotics.


sonofaditch said…
Doc, kamusta? The best of luck with the wisdom tooth extraction. Hope all goes well with that. If I were to blog about my wisdom tooth extraction it would read like a sequel to the Saw movies hehehe...

Best of luck to all your endeavors, Doc. I'm looking forward to all your updates. God bless.

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