"Do They Do It Like Dogs?"

How do you teach the male reproductive system to grade 5 students?

Three weeks ago, an old high school classmate and friend JR asked me to be one of his resource speaker for his class. The topic was male reproductive system. "Parang Sex Ed," that's what he texted me. I didn't bother asking what class although I was told it was going to be an all boys lecture. I already assumed that it was a lecture for the high school. JR is teaching in his family's school in Silay, The St. Francis of Assissi School, a supervised school of the University of Saint La Salle.

So I studied my male reproductive system, from Anatomy to Physiology, including the hormones and the sexually transmitted diseases that are familiar to boys. I reviewd the physiology of erection, ejaculation, and the hormones involved in the development of secondary sexual characteristics. I also prepared myself for the possible "extraneous" questions. The questions that usually come from the "smart guys" of the class. So I studied even the female reproductive system, the process of fertilization and pregnancy.

The school is located out of the city, in Silay City, and I wasn't aware of the directions so when I met Peewee during Ja's wedding we decided to go with JR instead. Peewee was also asked to join the panel discussion. Since JR is also the homeroom adviser of the third year, it meant waking up early and leaving Bacolod City at around 6:30 a.m. JR had to report at 7:15 a.m. So, I texted JR that we would hitch with him and he said he would fetch us at Yummy-Yummy infront of USLS.

I woke up early at around 5:30 a.m., my wife already cooked my breakfast for me. I went to the place and JR was already there waiting. As I expected, Peewee wasn't there so we had to swing over his house to wake him up. Unfortunately no one was answering. Peewee wasn't even answering his phone. So it was up to me to give the lecture to the high school boys. "Right?" "No, it's the grade 5."

I was shocked! I wasn't prepared to give a lecture on the male reproductive system to a group of 10-12 year old boys. So much for my lecture notes.

On the way to St. Francis I was thinking fast. How could I make this seemingly adult topic appear benign to 11 year old boys? If I were in an American school or in any Western school then I may not really fully hesitate. But I am in a Filipino school, a society that is yet to be open when it comes to "sexual" matters. What if they ask me "those questions"? How will I make them understand in a way that their parents will not be scandalized?

JR toured me to his school the moment we arrived. Since the lecture was after recess, JR invited me to sit in one of his classes. I sat during his Economics class for the fourth year and demonstrated the use of a stethoscope and sphygmomanometer during the second perior for his Grade 6 students. I enjoyed the demo with the Grade 6. They all wanted to try wearing and using the stet. And it was easy for them to learn how to use the sphygmo and take BP readings of each other.

During Recess, I asked JR how he ended up being a teacher. From what I heard from him, it was all serendipity. He wasn't making it good in Manila he said and so he was advised to "find himself" here in Bacolod. While doing that, he was asked if he could help his older sister run their family school in Silay. It started with simple PE Classes. Later, he realized that it was fun being a teacher. So he took up extra units and learned how to be a teacher. Now, he is teaching Science, Economics, Math and Music and Arts.

After recess, I waited at the lecture hall while JR fetched his grade 5 boys. I really didn't know how to begin my lecture. So, when all were settled, I started by asking them if they have any questions in mind related to the topic at hand. I was trying to let them start the questions so I could know their interests and maybe pick up from where they wanted to know. Of course, the boys were a bit shy but a few brave ones started the ball rolling. The first questions were like, 'what is sperm?''where does sperm come from?' 'what's the difference between a penis and a vagina?' 'where does urine come from?' So from these questions I started the lecture, trying my very best to be creative in my explanation.

At the middle of the lecture, braver questions started to pour out; 'when do boys start to mature?' 'how do you know that your sperm is already mature?' 'can an 80-year old man get a woman pregnant?' 'can males get pregnant?' Even questions on abortion were raised. One smart kid asked the question on ectopic pregnancy.

Of course I was trying my best to answer these questions and of course focused the topic on puberty, the appearance of their scondary sexual characteristics, the occurence of menstruation in girls and why boys don't, all that sort of stuff. By this time, the boys were already comfortable in the lecture and their questionings.

By the latter part of the period, one boy stood up and ask, 'when humans make babies, do they do it like the dogs?'

I had to give the microphone to their teacher Sir JR and let him answer that question. He was able to answer the question I guess more eloquently than what I would probably have answered. We were about to touch on the subject of erection but there wasn't really enough time. JR himself admitted that time wasn't enough and the better questions were coming out during the later part of the lecture.

From this alone, I have realized that it was really difficult to teach, let alone teach male reproductive system to grade 5 boys. It takes really imagination and tact in order for one to relay the lesson to the grade 5 boys in a way that would help them understand the basics of the lecture.

JR was planning to do it again but this time for the high school. I am confident that it would be more interesting by that time. I thanked JR before I left for that wonderful experience.


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