Christmas Has Just Started Early

Alas, the Christmas season has found its way into my doorstep. I took the Sunday off last weekend and decided to buy some Christmas decors and lights for the house. I also put up our ancient 6-foot tree along with its prehistoric christmas balls and bells. I did buy some new ones and added newer lights so the house is definitely looking Yuletide now.

For this Christmas I have also made a short list of Christmas wishes of my own. I do wish that these wishes would come true and I am hoping that Santa Claus would find me nice rather than naughty this year.

Bayen's Christmas List:
  • 1. World Peace - I am no beauty pageant contestant but this cliche statement has some good sense about it. The news is saturated by shitty stuff. One bad news to another, tis all being given a bad media hype. I do hope that this Christmas we take more focus on the other side of news: the Good News, the Godspell!.

  • 2. House and Lot - this actually commences the more mundane part of the Christmas wish list. I do wish to have my own house now and I have been looking on some lots being sold up north. The place is called Pacific Shores and I have had my sights on that place since last year. It is a nice subdivision, situated beside the seashore with palm trees and the whole Malibu kind of stuff. I have always wanted a house beside the sea.

  • 3. Passing the August Boards - now this is the only entry in the list that largely depends on me. But it cannot be denied that some Divine Providence is necessary as well.

  • 4. New Computer - my old one is bogged down. I do hope I can get a new one or better yet an upgrade to a laptop.

  • 5. Boracay Trip - I need a vacation. The stress at work and even at home is almost trying to catch up on me I need some space to step back and enjoy the sun. And I am pretty sure the white sands of Boracay provide just the right space.

  • 6. A new pair of rubber shoes - of the many accessories I could think for myself, a new pair of running shoes is all I need, the perfect motivation for me to return to jogging or cycling again.

  • 7. A healthy baby girl - yes, my wife is pregnant and I do hope it's a girl this time.

  • I am sure glad that I will be spending my Christmas at home and also my New Year's Eve. And oh, by the way, Kudos to two Filipino Athletes: Gabica and Payla who both won 2 golds for the country in the 2006 Asian Games in Doha, Qatar. Gabica won the gold in 9-ball billiards while Payla won the gold in Boxing. Way to go Philippines!


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