Third Place!

We won third place in the first ever Post graduate Interns Surgical Quiz Bowl. It was expected really. Unlike the other teams, the three of us: Pax, Mark and me, did not study a single reviewer for this competition. During the entire contest, we were relying heavily on stock knowledge and it didn't turn out bad. We were in fact leading the pack during the first 10 questions but got humped during the last leg. This right-minus-wrong style of scoring sucks big time but well those are the breaks of the game. RMC won and it was a tight match between them and CLMMRH (who I heard reviewed for a month every 5 pm). Anyway, I am sending some pics I took for my Sun-Star column.

I'm on the run now. Can't stay long. I'm ym-ing with friends for a particular project. :-)


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