Martial Laws

It has been a week. A lot has happened since last week. 2 days of convention. 5 days of work. The life of an OB-GYNE PGI can be slow paced at times but a PGI in general never has a boring life.

If I were to write a screenplay, I would have 13 people to gather inspiration from. Imagine 14 different kinds of people, coming from 14 different backgrounds, each with his/her own different personality, all gathered in one hospital, most of whom residing in one dorm, sharing one on-call room.

There will always be tensions each brought about by the inherent diversity of the group. And there will always be fun too. But whether tensions or not, the life of a PGI especially in BOLMSH is never boring.

It is expected that in dealing with tensions brought about by our differences, it is important to include good two-way open communication among individuals. Once two people stop talking, nothing makes sense. Everything is prone to misunderstanding. Humans are never born psychics and it is a big mistake to always assume or presume about the feelings and thoughts of others. It is always healthy and 'Christian' to convey thoughts and feelings to each other, even if it ends up in an argument.

But the difference between war and arguments between friends is that in war, your objective is to win over an enemy. In arguments, the objective is to win over a friend. Arguments must always end up in a win-win situation but this does not have to be accomplished in one day. At times, it takes a lifetime to end up an argument. Arguments are healthy, for as long as the direction of the argument is to air out opinions and emotions. Having arguments is a clear sign of a working communication.

It is tough to work with people giving you the silent treatment. But one must be more tolerant of each other. Nobody's perfect and the standards you have set for yourself may not be similar with those of other people's.

I have set my own "Martial Laws of Life" and by martial laws I mean, these laws can never be compromised in any way or at any point in my life.

1. Think Before You Act! - 90% of human actions end up in regrets simply because we haven't given much thought about them before actually doing them. For the survival of one's self and the species, think first.
2. If You Have Nothing Good To Say, Shut Up! - I once read a prayer at a retreat house in my university which said, "Lord, make my words soft and easy for tomorrow I may have to eat them."
3. In Your Drive For Success, Never Step On Other People - i think this is pretty much obvious.
4. While Managing Your Life, Be Aware that Bilog Ang Mundo - whatever goes around, comes around.
5. Never Bite That Which You Cannot Swallow - take only as much pleasure and responsibility as you can.
6. Strive To Win Always But Without Defeating Others - the greatest competition one can have is one's self. Once you have defeated yourself, there is no need to win over others.
7. Love People: No ifs, no buts - it is difficult to love those you cannot even swallow to accept. But it is a Christian duty to love. Perhaps, loving may be too hard a requirement but maybe giving respect can be a start.
8. Pray...Always! - without fail!


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