The Fifth Disease

It is the fifth month of my PGIship. Time runs fast. So much has happened. So little time to write about them. Too little energy to type them all up here. So, instead, i will just be posting them a la bulletin board:

1. IFCA - PHILIPPINES: an international group of Filipino artists, based in France, has invited me to be one of their collaborators for an international magazine which they will be printing out sometime within this year. They have invited me to take charge of the write-ups for every visual art they will be featuring or showcasing in their mag. And, one of their major projects is to come up with a directory of filipino artists around the world. I have just been enlisted in this directory. :-)
2. Post graduate course - sponsored by Riverside Medical Center, this coming Sept 15-16, 2006 at L'fisher Hotel.
3. Still benign with OB
4. Happy Birthday TinTin Castronuevo!
5. Belated Happy Birthday to Rwa Altalaguire and Coleen Teodosio, former high school batchmates.
6. Happy U-Week, alma mater, University of Saint La Salle.


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