Because We Scare...

We were hanging out this morning in the On Call Room and Melvin told us about what happened about 2 nights ago when one of the Nursery nurses saw a "man" inside the delivery room. Okay, you may wonder what is so weird about that. Number one, no one can enter the nursery and/or labor room unless he or she is a staff member. Now, no male persons are members of the staff of the nursery and labor room except for the male PGIs who may be on duty and Dr. Gamboa, the lone male Pediatrician if he's on duty. That evening, I was the only male PGI on duty and no other male persons on duty. Number two, the nurse saw a "man" at around past 10 pm in the evening, when I was already inside our own on call room perhaps preparing to sleep. Number three, it would be impossible for anyone - any man - for that matter to be staying inside the delivery room (which is just adjacent to the nursery) since in the first place there was no patient being mounted for delivery. The DR was lights off.

The nurses who were at the adjacent labor room heard the loud shrill from the nurse who saw this "man" who later disappeared and was not seen again. It wasn't the first time that same nurse had this encounter.

Later, the rest of the PGIs who had their turns working at the DR/Nursery shared some weird experiences. The most common experience they shared was the creaking door. Now, I really don't know which door they were talking about considering that there are a lot of doors there, but one time Melvin told us how when a sudden power interruption occured in the hospital and the entire building, nursery and DR, was plunged to darkness, the half-scared nurses and staff started hearing the door creaked. Melvin tried to investigate, thinking it must be from the air coming from either one of the open windows. But no windows were opened and the fans were all off. The door sounded as if someone was trying to open it. But obviously no one was there.

I do believe in ghosts and whether I see one or never at all, there are really some things which no one can explain. Like I cannot explain how I shall ever survive my next pedia grand rounds. With a limited time and all running out, I cannot imagine how I can ever survive this grilling from my consultants. Anyway, whatever happens, at least I'm done with it.


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