Missing Days

Due to a very untolerable headache, I skipped work last Wednesday. So I woke up that day with a throbbing headache, swallowed a pill of Tramadol and Nimesulide, slept the entire morning and spent the rest of the day almost bedridden and TV-hooked. That night I could sleep because of another severe toothache. Yes, it is the same tooth that has to go but I missed my dentist appointment by 2 weeks already. I had to swallow two more pills of NSAIDs then slept for another 3 hours.

It was only the following day that I later learned that rumors about my headache and M.I.A. stint (Missing In Action) were spreading like wildfire. To be brief, they were actually debating whether it was a post-coital headache or a coital deficiency headache. Either way it is still classified as a tension headache, considering that coitus or no coitus can give one enough stress.

I was 24 hours duty last night and as usually, I am so benign. While I did receive 3 new admissions in the morning, I no longer had any admissions or OPD calls during my nightshift. I woke up this morning refreshed and with a new assignment. I am not in charge of Nursery. Con Con is already in charge of E.R. and Melvin is now in charge of the Wards/Private Rooms. O oh! A very toxic mix. For proofs, I left the hospital this 5 p.m. with Con Con being mobbed by kids and their parents wanting to be admitted in the hospital. So far, she already had 8 admissions and it was still very early. As for me, I accompanied a "toxic" baby transferred to CLMMRH this afternoon, leaving my nursery without any baby in NICU. All babies are "well babies". That leaves me a "well PGI" as well. :-)

After doing some groceries, I hurried home to spend the evening with my wife and kid, for tomorrow I am once again 24 hours duty. This is to make up for my absence last Wednesday. Anyway, I am posting here some pics of what I call the "Sleeping Gallery!"

More Sleeping Beauty Pics to follow.


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