Everyone Need Vaccines

Since its discovery when Edward Jenner made the first inoculation of cowpox in 1796, vaccines have come a long way. It has been regarded as still the cheapest most effective way of health prevention especially against "immunizable" infectious diseases. Many lives have been saved because of vaccines. However, as our understanding of medicine and health continue to evolve, production of vaccines and access to them continue to be confronted with a lot of challenges. There are still some parts of the world where we have failed to eradicate some "immunizable" diseases. And the erroneous claims that vaccines lead to development of autism did not help either. In developing countries, access to vaccines continue to be a challenge and a priority. Under the Expanded Program of Immunization of the World Health Organization, every child before he/she reaches the age of 1 year old must receive a prescribe set of vaccines that can help prevent the acquiring of common infectious d...