Dirty White Gown: Reflections of a Community Doctor

It has been 6 years since I became a medical doctor. Before Day One I already decided to be a community physician. There were opportunities to do otherwise and not a day went by when I questioned myself for having chosen the "road less traveled." Somehow, I felt that my heart was in the right place, there in the deep recesses of the community, the most part of it forgotten by mainstream society. Today, I look back thinking to myself, "Was it all worth it?" I became a Doctor to the Barrios deployed in a mountainous area far from the comfort and safety of family and all things familiar. I served, for 2 years, a people not my own, a place where I never had prior connection. Yet, each day I spent working with them, I realized how badly they needed the most basic of health care services which perhaps have been deprived from them. Each day I resolved to not only cure the sick but to cure the illness that plagued the society at large, to acknowledge ho...