Singaporean Culture In Your Tastebuds: IndoCafe White House

I was lucky enough to visit Singapore this week (and I am actually still here while writing this blog) and one of the places I was able to visit was IndoCafe The White House. Our hosts (the faculty of the National University of Singapore Business School) were telling us about the cultural value of this restaurant. It is an old Indo-Peranakan house converted into a museum and at the same time a restaurant. Peranakan refers to descendants of 15th century Chinese immigrants who settled in Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore. Malaysians and Indonesians however use the same term to refer to 'descendant' without any specific to any ethnicity. According to history, it was economic hardships in China that pushed the early Chinese immigrants to move out and settle in Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore. As they migrated from China, they brought with them their own culture and mingled it with local culture. The Indocafe White...