How To Summer-Proof Your Health

For many, summer is that time of the year when everyone's expected to enjoy the sun, the beach and the long school breaks. It is also during summertime when most family reunions are held and barkada road trips are organized. You don't want to spend your summer sick in bed, so here are some practical tips on how to enjoy the long summer break. 1. Hydrate . Hydrate. Hydrate. It cannot be overemphasized that summer is a hot season. Here in the Philippines, our summer is usually hot and humid, and climate change seems to be making our summertime more hot and more humid than usual. With this kind of weather, do not forget to always bring a bottle of drinking water with you whenever you go out. People can suffer from heat stroke due to prolonged exposure to the sun without replacing lost fluids. 2. Be physically active. Summer is a good opportunity to do a lot of physical outdoor activities. A good physical activity f...