Hopes For Our Municipalities

A group of health leaders from 7 municipalities from Zamboanga del Norte and Zamboanga del Sur were asked about their hopes for their respective municipalities during the first day of their training in Dipolog City (Municipal Leaders for MDG's). These health leaders are the mayors, municipal health officers, municipal social welfare and development officer, and councilor for health or chairperson of the league of barangays. It is quite touching to note that all of them have sincere hopes for their towns, particularly in the field of health. After collating their answers to this question, I made a cloud tag (courtesy of Wordle) to see the pattern in their answers (kinda like a semantic analysis). The following is the cloud tag of the answers to the question: "What do you hope for your municipality?" Click the picture to enlarge. Like it? Share it. Get the Share on Facebook widget and many other great free widgets at Widgetbox ! Not seeing a widget? ( More in...