Scholarship For Medical Students In The Philippines

A few years back, many wanted to take up a nursing degree and become nurses and perhaps work abroad. But now, there are many nursing graduates and even licensed nurses taking up medicine and aspiring to become doctors. Medical school can be expensive. The tuition alone is very expensive. There are various schools and universities that offer some form of partial or full scholarships. The Philippine government is offering full scholarships to aspiring medical students who wish to be doctors and are willing to serve the country as Doctors to the Barrios after passing the board exams.
The PINOY-MD SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM: The Philippine Charity Swepstakes Office and the Department of Health is offering 100 scholarships for medical school each year.
Pinoy MD 5-year Scholarship Package includes: Tuition fees, lab and misc fees and semestral book allowances, semestral uniform allowances, daily board and lodging allowance, daily travel allowance.
Member Medical Schools are:
UP Manila,...