Reflections On The Streets Of Venice

Exactly 7 days from now, I will be heading back to the Philippines to begin yet another new chapter in my life. The next 7 days will be my last aboard the Voyager of the Seas working as their first ever Medi-Spa Physician. Six months ago I was almost hesitant to come onboard and work abroad, far from the comforts of home and family. The first 2 weeks were a struggle and I was on the brink of giving up. But then I decided to let go of all negative thoughts and focused on the things that were more positive. It is true what they say, "You can't direct the wind, but yo can adjust your sail." So I gave up on the thoughts that tell me that "I can't" and started declaring the two most powerful words in the entire Universe, "I can". As I started this new attitude, I looked back and recalled the times I spoke the words, "I can't". Perhaps it is no longer important how many times I said and thought those words. After all, my life isn't th...