
Showing posts from February, 2011

It All Started in Manila: People Power Revolution

Before Tunisia, before Cairo, before Tripoli, even before the Fall of the Berlin Wall, there was the People Power Revolution of 1986 in Manila, Philippines. 25 years ago, the Filipino nation proved to the entire world that peaceful revolution can topple a dictator. This was long before the age of Twitter and Facebook. Times were far more dangerous. But after 20 years of suffering under a tyrant, the Filipino people showed the world that ousting a dictator can be done through a bloodless revolt of the masses. 25 years later, the Filipino nation has yet to culminate its revolution against Corruption, Poverty and Inequality - modern-day tyrants that cripple a country. Like it? Share it. Get the Share on Facebook widget and many other great free widgets at Widgetbox ! Not seeing a widget? ( More info )Like it.

Persons Are Gifts: Pregraduation Retreat Talk

Since 1999, I would always give a Pre-graduation retreat talk to the Senior Batch of USLS-IS. For this year though, it will be the first time that I will not be giving this talk. We Filipinos always love gifts. Apparently, there is always an โ€œexcuseโ€ to give and/or receive gifts. Almost every month of the year, there is an occasion for gift-giving: Christmas, Three Kings, Valentineโ€™s Day, Graduation Day, Birthdays, Anniversaries, Weddings, Christeningsโ€ฆkulang na lang Pista Minatay mahatagay kita regalo. Gifts come in various sizes, shapes and forms. But the act of gift-giving is not an exclusive human initiative. Even in Nature there is evidence of gift-giving. One classic example would be the Adele Penguins. During the mating season, all male penguins would scour the shore of the iceberg for pebbles. Once a male penguin finds the smoothest pebble, he would keep it and find his way to his female partner, lays the pebble on her feet as an offering and, should the female penguin like the...