"Open Doors" Lead To Filipino Hearts

I happened to read a news article about a new monument which was erected in Israel last week. This monument, entitled "Open Doors", is in honor of the Filipinos for the country's role in saving more than 1,000 Jews from the cruelty of Nazi Germany during World War II. At first glance, no one would believe how an Asian country was able to participate in the rescue and protection of the many Jews trying to escape the wrath of Nazi Terror. Philippines is very far from Europe and during the start of World War II, The Philippines, being a Commonwealth of the United States, was somewhat "indifferent" about the War between Europe's Free democracies and Hitler's Nazi Germany and allies. But stories like this are not usually being picked up by history books. So little Filipinos and Jews alike remember that there was a time in our shared dark history that our paths have crossed. Under the direction of former Philippine President Manuel Quezon, the Philippine Commo...