Moving Forward To The Half-Unknown

Last night was my last 24-hour duty in the last Department I have rotated in my PGI-ship. This Thursday, I will be doing electives and hopefully, will be done with the internship and more focused at last to passing the boards. I should not even begin to overemphasize the importance of passing the medical boards this August. It is a make or break moment for me. This is going to be perhaps the biggest hurdle I shall ever encounter yet. Once the board is passed, all doors of opportunities are open. Should I not pass the boards, then it is the guillotine for me. But like I said, it is not in my hands now. Well, partly it is. Two-thirds of my destiny lie in the choices I make. The other third lies with God. I have always told myself that no matter what happens, there is always a reason for everything. But let this fact of life not turn me into a complacent buoy wandering aimlessly in the ocean of life. Like what I told my friend with regards to his problem with love. If he does love the gir...